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来源:观察网    时间:2023-04-24 09:08:11




卢沙野大使周六在接受法国LCI广播公司采访时表示:“即使是前苏联的这些国家,在国际法上也没有有效的地位,因为没有国际协议来具体化它们作为主权国家的地位”(“Even these countries of the former Soviet Union don’t have effective status in international law because there is no international agreement to make their status as a sovereign country concrete,” Ambassador Lu Shaye said on Saturday in an interview with French broadcaster LCI)。

当被瑞士记者达柳斯·罗施宾(Darius Rochebin)问及“克里米亚是否是乌克兰领土”时,卢说:“这取决于你如何看待这个问题……事情并没有那么简单”(Lu said, “It depends on how you perceive the problem . . . . It’s not that simple.”)。

罗施宾试图纠正他,他说:“对不起,根据国际法,你知道这属于乌克兰的。根据国际法的规定,你可以争论,你可以争议,但这是乌克兰的”。卢回答说:“克里米亚最初是俄罗斯的一部分,不是吗?是(苏联领导人尼基塔)赫鲁晓夫在苏联把克里米亚交给了乌克兰”(Lu replied, “Crimea was originally part of Russia, wasn’t it? It was [Soviet leader Nikita] Khrushchev who gave Crimea to Ukraine in the Soviet Union.”)。

当被再次追问半岛的地位时,这位中国外交官说:“现在,我们不能再为这种问题争吵了。现在,最紧迫的事情是停止,停火,停止”(“Now, we must not quarrel about this kind of problem again. Now, the most urgent thing is to stop, to cease fire, to stop.”)。

当被问及“从基辅的角度来看领土完整的重要性”时,卢再次指出了这个问题的历史复杂性,他说:“关于他们的冲突,他们的问题,是长期存在着的问题,不是吗?用一个词来说很容易。如果你有任何问题,你可以一起讨论”(Lu again pointed to the historical complexity of the issue, saying, “There are enduring problems, aren’t there, about their conflict, their problem? It’s so easy to say in one word. If you have any problems, you can talk about it together.”)。

报道的原标题是《China questions sovereignty of ex-Soviet states》(中国质疑前苏联国家的主权)。

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